• TG EAPCET counselling code: GRCP
  • TG PGECET counselling code: GRCP1
Virtual Tour of GRCP


The Institutional Development and Monitoring Committee (IDMC) shall be the principal academic body of the institute and shall, in addition to all other powers and duties vested in it, have the following powers and duties.

  1. To exercise general supervision over the academic activities of the college and to give directions regarding methods of instruction, evaluation, research, or improvements in academic standards.
  2. To consider matters of academic interest, either on its own initiative or at the instance of the governing body, and to take proper action thereon.
  3. To make arrangements for the conduct of examinations in conformity with the laws of Osmania University.
  4. To maintain proper standards of the examinations.
  5. To promote research within the institute, acquire reports on such research activities from time to time.
  6. To suggest measures for co-ordination for individual classes.
  7. To make recommendations to the board of management on:
    • Measure the improvement of standards of teaching, training, and research.
    • Institute fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, medals, prizes, etc.
    • Establish or abolish departments/centers, and bye-laws covering the academic functioning of the college, discipline, admissions, examinations, award of fellowships, studentships, concessions, attendance, etc.
  8. To make a periodic review of the activities of the college, and to take appropriate action (including the making of recommendations to the governing body), to maintain and improve the standards of instruction.
  9. To exercise such other powers, and perform such other duties, as may be conferred or imposed upon it, by the rules and by-laws.
  10. To recommend teaching posts of professors, associate professors, and assistant professors to the governing body of the college.
The members of Institutional Development and Monitoring Committee (IDMC)

Dr. Giriraj T Kulkarni
Dr. M. Ganga Raju
Dr. Monika Nijhawan
Dr. Sneha Ramesh Nawale
Dr. AD. Panikumar
Dr. N. Swathi